Presenter Opinion - Handmade QSLs from the 1930s

Presenter Opinion - Handmade QSLs from the 1930s

My brother, Mike, runs an estate sale company, Metro Detroit Estate Sales (shameless plug intended). From time to time, he’ll call me when a sale he’s conducting includes some electronics or ham radio gear.

A couple of months ago, he called and said that this most recent sale included a bunch of miscellaneous amateur radio-related stuff. The owner of the house, who passed away, was the daughter of W8HZN, and the estate included some of his logbooks, some old QSL cards from the 1930s, and some Popular Electronics magazines from the 1960s.

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Presenter Opinion : Updating the Amateur’s Code

Presenter Opinion : Updating the Amateur’s Code

Well, now the IARU is updating Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur, and I’m part of the group that’s working on the update. One of our tasks is to make the text more gender-neutral. The ARRL has a somewhat gender-neutral version of the Code, but really all they did was to replace “he” with “he/she.”

That being the case, I’ve taken it upon myself to create not only a gender-neutral version of the Code, but to also clarify some of the language.

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Yes, Learning About Radio Does Matter

Yes, Learning About Radio Does Matter

In teaching Tech classes, I encounter many people who think this way. They just want to push buttons and talk on the radio. They say, “I’m only going to use it when I go off-roading with friends,” or “I’m only going to use it when my CERT team is activated.”

I always ask them what they’re going to do when something goes wrong—and we know that at some point, something is going to wrong. Without some basic knowledge of how radio works, how are they going to fix the problem or work around it? If they can’t do that, then they’re useless as a communicator and the experience is going to be very frustrating. So, the first thing that I try to get across that they’ll have a lot more fun with ham radio if they understand how the technology works.

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