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Pirates brought to task

In the United States, Federal prosecutors have achieved a conviction against Robens Cheriza in West Palm Beach for interfering with the international Airport with a home-based radio station.

Cheriza was fined $20,000 dollars, after Cheriza has ignored the Federal Communications Commission's order to pay the fine — called a forfeiture order in FCC documents — since last April.

Cheriza violated federal broadcasting laws by "willfully and repeatedly" transmitting a radio signal without a license in the spring of 2011, according to the lawsuit. The summons was filed Tuesday.

Read the full Sun-Sentinel article - http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/palm-beach/fl-pirate-radio-station-20130212,0,2106451.story

In Wolverhampton, West Midlands, UK, Ofcom have raided a pirate station effecting broadcast in the FM band.

Read the BBC story Arrest in Wolverhampton pirate radio station raid -