ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Boom microphone donated to National VOA Museum

A boom microphone and footswitch have been donated to the West Chester Amateur Radio Association (WCARA) at the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting in West Chester.

The equipment was donated by Bob Heil of Heil Sound, Ltd.

Heil of Chicago is an internationally-known ham radio enthusiast and operator.

The microphone is just the beginning of WCARA ’s efforts to build several 1,500 watt amateur radio stations at the former VOA-Bethany station in West Chester.

The group has about 60 members, but wants to add more, especially young members. The radio group is willing to provide training classes for those interested in obtaining an amateur radio license, said WCARA president Bob Wickelhaus.

WCARA will need about $50,000 to $100,000 to install new antennas, radios and support equipment to complete building the new WC8VOA stations. The group is always looking for donations of antennas, transmitters and receivers, amplifiers, computers and displays.

WCARA has a temporary tower donated by Schumacher-Dugan Construction, Inc. installed on a trailer at the VOA site. After the station is up and running, the tower can be used as a mobile emergency antenna installation.

The radio club recently competed in two amateur radio contests, making contacts with other amateur radio operators in the U.S. and around the world. “The contests are exercises to help improve communications for emergency situations,” said Wickelhaus.

For more information about the group or to join, go to www.wc8voa.org. The amateur radio group restored the original VOA-Bethany control room, and continues to communicate with other amateur radio operators around the world from the station on a regular basis.

The historic VOA museum building at 8070 Tylersville Road consists of collections and exhibits from the VOA-Bethany station; Media Heritage’s Greater Cincinnati Museum of Broadcast History; the Gray History of Wireless Museum; and the West Chester Amateur Radio Association control room.

The National VOA Museum of Broadcasting will be open this Saturday 16 March 2013 from 1 to 4 p.m. Suggested donation is $5 for adults and $1 for children under 12.

For more information about VOA museums - http://www.voamuseum.org