ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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No 60m Operation Possible in VK

Amateur / Ham Radio Operators in Australia are struggling to gain access to the 60m band currently being enjoyed by many amateurs throughout the world.


The recent World Radiocommunication Conference provided the framework for the band, however amateur radio operators in Australia have found existing use in the 5mhz from users of land-mobile and defence licences.

The Australian Communications and Media  (ACMA) is aware of the decision made by WRC-15 at Geneva, and expects future discussion on it with the Wireless Institute of Australia.

Until the ACMA agrees through the Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan or the Licence Condition Determination, no VK radio amateur is allowed to use those frequencies.

There is now only limited access to spot frequencies on 5 MHz by WICEN (emergency communications) and the Amateur Radio New South Wales broadcast, but these are under their land-mobile licences and callsigns.

Transmitting by radio amateurs in Australia on 5 MHz is illegal, until the ACMA gives its approval.