ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Eric June, KU6J - Silent Key

Eric June, KU6J, who was an active SOTA activator, chaser, programmer and mapper has become Silent Key, passing away unexpectedly on 8th January 2016.

Eric was active across North America in the SOTA organisations, and was a involved in the final summits lists for the W6 SOTA Association.

Eric KU6J originally got into ham radio with a Technician no code license as an adult because he was into hang gliding and utilised 2 meters with other hang glider pilots and their ground crew. Eric later got into CW, upgraded to extra and was an excellent CW op on the HF bands, as well as on the VHF weak signal modes.

Eric used his professional software writing skills to write programs to interface the SOTA activations to the CW Reverse Beacon Network, which change the process of SOTA CW activations.

The ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast wishes to pass on their condolences to Eric’s wife Tamar, and their family.