ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Carl Smith, N4AA, SK

QRZ DX and The DX Magazine Publisher and Editor Carl Smith, N4AA, of Asheville, North Carolina, has passed away on 20th October 2017, aged 77.

Smith was an active Ham, with interest throughout the hobby including being an active DX'er, Carl was first licensed in 1954 as WN0YFT. In 2012, Smith was inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame.

In the 1970s, Smith was instrumental in the formation of the Western Carolina Amateur Radio Society and served a few terms as president. Through WCARS, he instituted the annual Asheville Hamfest. WCARS became a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator in the 1980s.

He also established the KB4C Miriam Smith Award, in memory of his late wife. The award, presented annually by the ARRL Roanoke Division, honors an Amateur Radio operator from Western North Carolina who has demonstrated an active commitment to public service and emergency communication through ARES/RACES.

Smith was among the founders of the SouthEastern DX and Contesting Organization (SEDCO) W4DXCC Convention, and his wife’s call sign is used on the air at the annual convention and for various operating activities.