ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Ivory Coast DXpedition

Members of the Radio Club of Provins (F6KOP) will be active as TU7C from the Ivory Coast between 9-19 March 2017.

Activity will be on 160-10 meters and 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.

The international team consists of experienced operators. Some of them were part of various important DXpeditions during the past years, like FT5TA, FT5JA, J5C, 3G0ZC, 7P8C and so on.

Operators mentioned are Frank/F4AJQ (Team Leader), Patrick/F2DX (Co-Leader) Jean-Luc/F1ULQ (Co- Leader), Andreas/DL3GA, Henri/F1HRE, Damien/F4AZF, Jimi/F4DLM, Philippe/ F4DSE, Raymond/F5MFV, Frank/F5TVG, John/F5VHQ, John/OE5TGL, Herman/ON4QX, Kurt/ON8KW and Kenneth/OZ1IKY.

The pilot for English speaking people is Col/MM0NDX, and Jean-Paul/F8BJI for the French stations.

QSL via F1ULQ, direct (sorry no IRC), the French REF Bureau (only this one), LoTW, and ClubLog's OQRS. 

Ivory Coast DXpedition Web Page - https://tu2017dx.wordpress.com