ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Rare Wake Island Operation

Starting in April, Philip Gairson, N7NVK, will begin operating on Wake Island,  (grid RK39).

His schedule calls for 3 months on the island, and then 1 month off — a pattern that will repeat over the course of about a year. Wake is 12 hours ahead of UTC.

Gairson does not yet know what days or times he will be on the air, but he plans to post his availability on his QRZ.com profile page.

Contacting him could prove challenging. He’s taking along an Elecraft KX3 along with a G5RV or Buddipole for an antenna, running low power. He will operate split, and he asks for patience because he’s not used to being the focus of a pileup. Internet connectivity on Wake will be limited, but he plans to use LoTW.