ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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New ARRL Online Groups for More Direct Communications

To enhance and improve communications between the ARRL leadership and staff and the members and prospective members, in a manner that enables both timely updates and collegial discussion, the ARRL’s Committee on Communication with ARRL Members is creating online forums where all amateur radio operators (ARRL members and non-members alike) can discuss issues and topics in two-way conversation with ARRL leadership.

This project is based on the success of the online ARRL-LoTW Group for the past several years, in responding to all amateur radio operators’ questions and in generating discussions about ways to improve this program. This effort has clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of online Groups as a means of achieving the desired interactivity.

So, the ARRL will be adding three additional online Groups, which will be open to ARRL members and non-members alike: