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Mandatory Ham Radio ERP Declaration in France

Radio amateurs in France will have to declare to the regulator ANFR their Effective Radiated Power (ERP) if it is higher than 5 watts

The decree of January 30, 2009 relative to the conditions of implantation of certain installations and radio stations obliges us in its article 9 to declare our effective power radiated if this one is higher than 5 watts.

".. the radio installations of radio amateurs established pursuant to Article L. 33-3 (1 °) of the above-mentioned code, whose effective radiated power (ERP) is greater than 5 watts, are declared by the operator to the National Frequency Agency within two months from the date of their installation. The information declared is the "WGS 84" geographical coordinates of the radio installation, the maximum effective radiated power (ERP) in HF, VHF, UHF and SHF. "

II.-Radio amateurs bring themselves into conformity with the provisions of this article within three months after the date of entry into force of this decree.

More Information - https://tinyurl.com/FranceREF