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EURAO Spring 2019 Party - Meteor Scatter on 6m

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "Meteor Scatter on 6m". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO Spring 2019 Party - Meteor Scatter on 6m Purpose

The 6m band (50-52 MHz in Europe) is located in the lowest portion of VHF. Because its very special characteristics of propagation, it's called the "magic band". One of the most original modes of communication is Meteor Scatter, taking advantage of meteor showers. The objective of this party is to awaken curiosity about this mode and band, and encourage hams to know more about them.

EURAO Spring 2019 Party - Meteor Scatter on 6m Date & time

Saturday and Sunday 25-26th May 2019, 00:00-24:00 UTC.

EURAO Spring 2019 Party - Meteor Scatter on 6m Bands & modes

Recommended modes/frequencies (+/-) for 6m Meteor Scatter: MSK144/50.280 and 50.360 MHz.

EURAO Spring 2019 Party - Meteor Scatter on 6m Call

"CQ EURAO Party".

EURAO Spring 2019 Party - Meteor Scatter on 6m Logs

Statistic purposes only, we ask participants to submit their logs to party@eurao.org in ADIF format, where the filename should be your callsign (e.g. EA3RKF.ADI).

There will be no results or league tables, only statistical information about number of QSOs, countries, callsigns, OMs/YLs/Clubs, etc.

EURAO Spring 2019 Party - Meteor Scatter on 6m Certificate of Participation

For those sending the log and with a minimum of 10% QSOs confirmed.

EURAO Spring 2019 Party - Meteor Scatter on 6m EuroBureauQSL

You can use it to interchange QSLs even if you are not member. In this case, just send the QSL to the entry point of the country of the station you have contacted.

EURAO Spring 2019 Party - Meteor Scatter on 6m - https://www.eurao.org/en/node/950