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Northern California DX Foundation Elects Two New Directors

The Northern California DX Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of two new Directors to fill vacancies created by retiring board members.

Ross Forbes, K6GFJ has been licensed since 1964. He has traveled and operated extensively throughout the South Pacific. A long-time advisor to the Northern California DX Foundation, Ross is a past president of the Northern California DX Club, a previous Vice-Director of the ARRL Pacific Division, and former manager of the Incoming W6 QSL Bureau.

Currently retired, Ross has held various IT positions in the financial and legal industry, ran his own import/export company in the 1980s, and has held various positions in commercial broadcasting. Ross lives in San Jose, CA.

George Wallner, AA7JV was born in Hungary in 1951. After studying electrical engineering he joined the military in 1970, and served in a number of overseas postings as a radio operator and communications specialist before moving to Australia and the US, where he founded
several payment processing companies. An active amateur radio operator since 1966, George's main interests are low band CW operation and DXpeditions to very difficult entities located on small islands and reefs. George lives in Miami, FL.

The full list of Officers for 2018-2019 can be found on the NCDXF website - http://www.ncdxf.org/pages/officers.html