New Web-Based RSGB EMF Calculator

The RSGB has launched a new version of the Society’s EMF calculator v11d which is now available in a new browser-based version as well as the spreadsheet version. The web browser version does not require you to have Excel or another spreadsheet on your computer. It also has several great new features to make compliance checking simpler and quicker. You can find both versions on the RSGB emf web pages or you can go direct to the new web version.

RSGB EMF Calculator -

Novel SSB transceiver Design with only Seven Transistors

When Pete Juliano N6QW sat down to design a sideband transceiver for the 20 Meter (14 MHz) ham radio band, he eschewed the popular circuits that makeup so many designs. He forged ahead, building a novel design that he calls Pete’s Simple Seven SSB Transceiver, or PSSST for short.

What makes the PSSST so simple is not only its construction but the low component count. The same circuit using four 2N2222A’s is used on both transmit and receive.

Hackaday -

New Antenna Law in Switzerland

National amateur radio society USKA reports on the implementation of FMG/LTC/TCA Article 37a into cantonal law which simplifies authorisation procedure for amateur radio antennas

USKA has succeeded in introducing an article 37a in the Swiss Telecommunications Act (TCA) which simplifies the authorisation procedure for the construction of simple amateur radio antennas.

The “planning and building law” in Switzerland is mainly regulated by the cantons. The municipalities then have their own “building regulations”.

Our federalist state structure means that federal law must be explicitly transferred to cantonal and communal law so that it can develop its full effect there.

The cantonal implementation is now being taken in hand by the sections of the USKA. The sections have been informed about this, including at the Section Presidents’ Conference 2021 in Möriken AG (21 August 2021). In the case of cantons with several sections, these will form working groups in this regard.

The Timetable

By December 2021, the sections will put together their teams and report this to the USKA Board (for the attention of Political Lobbying).

For cantons that do not put together a team, USKA will publicly advertise and award this task among the members residing in the canton in question.