RSGB Construction Competition

The RSGB Construction Competition has been announced

To enable members across the country, and even the world, to take part, entries will again be judged over the internet rather than in person. This year two new categories have been introduced so there are six categories you can enter: Antennas; Beginners; Most creative and/or elegant PCB Design; Construction Excellence; Innovation; and Software and Systems.

Special recognition will be given to entries submitted by radio amateurs under the age of 24, and to those who have just gained their Foundation licence. A cash prize will be awarded for the winner of each section, with a bonus for the overall winner, who will also be given the Pat Hawker G3VA Award.

The deadline for entries is the 1st of March 2024 and you can find out more, including how to enter, on the RSGB website -

WRTC 2026 becomes an RSGB affiliated Special Interest Group

WRTC 2026 becomes an RSGB affiliated Special Interest Group

WRTC 2026 becomes an RSGB affiliated Special Interest Group. The United Kingdom is delighted to have been awarded the hosting rights for the 10th WRTC taking place in July 2026.

Every 4 years, much like the Olympic Games, the World Radio Sport Team Championship, known as WRTC, relocates itself to a new host nation. WRTC is a radio contest event, designed to provide a platform for high-achieving ham radio contesters to compete on a level playing field in the same geographic region using identical antennas, output power and other operating conditions.

Each team will have had to qualify over a significant period of time by participating and scoring extremely well in a collection of HF radio contests from October 2023 to March 2025. In July 2026, 50 qualifying teams, comprising of 100 operators will come to the UK from all over the world and will represent their home countries, much like the style seen in the Olympic Games.

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Team of Ukraine Takes Top Spot in WRTC Competition

With the conclusion of WRTC2022, congratulation are deserved to the world champions of radio sports in the WRTC 2022 Competition - the team of Ukraine!

The team - Yaroslav Oliinyk UW7LL and Yuriy Onipko UT4UZ (VE3DZ) achieved the best results and won gold for Ukraine.

The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) represents a large gathering of the world's best in radio traffic – as selected regionally – coming from any country and all continents in the spirit of competition, using the same playing field and allowing pure skills to determine world champions in two-man team, 24-hour non-stop competition.

WRTC 2022 (2023) -