ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast

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Ham Radio Satellite Explorer App

Tom Doyle W9KE has made available an amateur radio Satellite Explorer app for Windows 8 devices.

Satellite Explorer is a Windows 8 app that runs on Intel based tablets, laptops and desktops as well as Windows RT tablets like the Microsoft Surface. It is available in the Windows Store - search for 'Satellite Explorer'.

Tom says the app is of course free but if you find it of value please contribute something to your favorite AMSAT project.

Satellite Explorer is a program that will run on almost any Windows 8 device. It will run on Windows 8 PC desktops, laptops, tablets or Windows RT devices such as the Microsoft Surface. It is available for free in the Windows Store.

App available - http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-US/app/satellite-explorer/4214d956-fa53-4f92-8845-f5ff2c1c73ee