Ham Radio Saved My Life!

Alden Sumner Jones IV, KC1JWR, of Bennington, Vermont, is thankful for amateur radio after he suffered a medical incident and lost consciousness on 15th June 2020 while hiking with others along a remote section of the Long Trail, not far from his home

An EMT from Appalachian Mountain Rescue (AMR), who was hiking nearby, saw Jones pass out but was unable to connect with 911 via his cell phone.

Jones, 41, regained consciousness and was successful in contacting Ron Wonderlick, AG1W, via the Northern Berkshire Amateur Radio Club’s K1FFK repeater on Mount Greylock, and Wonderlick initiated what turned into an 8-hour effort to get Jones off the trail and to a medical facility, acting as a relay among Jones, emergency crews, and other agencies involved.

The Vermont State Police also received assistance from several licensed amateur radio operators who helped facilitate communications, greatly assisting in the rescue.
— Bennington Post