Brazil's Radio Hams Campaign for Tax Exemption

Brazil's national amateur radio society LABRE is campaigning for the abolition of taxes on amateur radio equipment.

LABRE continues with the campaign to collect signatures for a petition to be sent to the National Congress so that parliamentarians can complete the Bill of Law (PL) 5320/2009 . This project, which has been stopped, deals with the “exemption from the Import Tax and the Tax on Industrialized Products to own devices for the Amateur Radio Service, when imported or acquired by a qualified amateur radio operator and participant in the National Amateur Radio Emergency Network (Rener), member of the National Civil Defense System (Sindec) ”.

The Bill was presented to the Federal Senate on 6/1/2009 , but its last processing took place on 11/5/2018 , carried out by the FINANCE AND TAXATION COMMITTEE (CFT), -

The petition, which works through a form, is on the website. After the signature collection period (Full name, CPF and Indicative, if applicable), the Petition Organizing Committee will send the request, together with the subscribers' information, to the e-mails of the federal deputies that make up the CFT and CCJC.