December YOTA Month

IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group reports during the month of December, several youngsters under the age of 26 will become active with YOTA suffixes in their callsigns

The idea behind this is to show the amateur radio hobby to youth and to encourage youngsters to be active on the ham radio waves.

The last time YOTA callsigns hitting the air waves was from the 10th annual YOTA Summer Camp in early August 2022. Nearly 100 youngsters were activating various bands and modes. This shall be continued in this year’s 10th edition of the December YOTA Month activity.

Every ham radio operator can support the youth worldwide! By making a QSO with them, they can improve their skills on air and learn more about geography and ham radio abbreviations, among others. The youngsters will be happy to get some attention and exchange information. Licensed and unlicensed youth will be making QSOs, be aware this could be their first radio contact ever and give them a chance to experience a possible new hobby.

Help your local youngsters to get on the air throughout the December YOTA Month. Either you are a supporting elmer or under 26 years yourself, contact your society’s youth coordinator to be active with your national YOTA callsign(s). If your society did not apply for one yet, feel free to encourage them to do so of course. It will be a pleasure to work a lot of new youngsters on the bands for sure!

As every year, there is again an award program available. Work as many YOTA stations on as many bands and modes as possible and be eligible for your Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum award for free. Furthermore, there will be wooden plaques for the best achieving radio hams worldwide available once again. The various categories will be announced once we are getting closer to the event itself.

The DYM program promotes the radio activity on the air waves and shows that there is and will be activity in the future.

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