Irish Language Net

Irish Kippure repeater (EI2KPR) is encouraging use of the Irish Language.

Last Monday, a new Irish language weekly net was launched on the Kippure repeater (EI2KPR) at 8pm local time. It is hoped that this will encourage the use of the language among radio amateurs.

The net will be an informal, friendly and bilingual get-together on the air. It will cater for all levels of fluency. Don’t be shy, please join in and use the cupla focail that you have, or even listen in. It is hoped to expand this to 40m or 80m. Perhaps there are other EIs who would like to volunteer to start similar nets in their own areas?

You hear rugby referees instruct scrum halfs who delay playing the ball to “USE IT!”. If they don’t, they lose it, as the opposition is awarded a scrum. Similarly, with the Irish language, let us EIs play our part by using it too.
— Tony, EI5EM