First Transatlantic 472 kHz Band Contact

A first transatlantic contact on 630 meters (472 kHz) has taken place between David Bowman G0MRF and Dave Riley AA1A
They used the JT9 digital mode to complete the more than 5,160 kilometre contact during the early hours of 23rd December 2017. 
On the UK end, G0MRF was running a modified Icom IC-7300 with a filtered preamp and a 60-W amplifier to a 250-foot wire configured as an inverted L. AA1A benefited from his near-Atlantic Coast location in Marshfield, Massachusetts, Bowman said.
ARRL Story -
472 kHz Site -
G0MRF Projects Website -


The Radio Amateur Society of Australia

A new Australian amateur radio representative body has been formed - The Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA).

RASA will listen to the needs and concerns of all amateurs and will make submissions to the regulator on their behalf.

RASA is a streamlined organisation focused on representation. The group will be using modern technology to manage operations and communications with members.

Membership is free for the first 12 months. There is no obligation to renew in the second year.

The Radio Amateur Society of Australia intends to open lines of communication with as many Australian Radio Amateurs and Clubs as possible to draw from their knowledge and experience.

Membership growth has been strong, with many well known and influential VK amateurs joining RASA.

The Radio Amateur Society of Australia -


Bath Repeaters Lose Site

The British Amateur Television Club ATV repeater GB3UT is being removed from its site at the University of Bath, along with FM repeater GB3UB and APRS digipeater MB7UB.

GB3UT, located in a small building on top of an accommodation block at the University of Bath, was one of the first amateur television repeaters in the UK. It can receive both Analogue and Digital TV transmissions.

Further news is expected in relation to the repeaters relocation

The repeater is streamed onto the BATC Internet streamer and can be viewed at -