MB7PBR DAPNET POCSAG Pager Gateway Licensed

The RSGB's ETCC report their first DAPNET POCSAG paging gateway application MB7PBR on 439.9875 MHz in Bognor Regis was licensed on 24th August 2018

The DAPNET (Decentralized Amateur Paging Network) is a network operated by radio amateurs. It consists of a server cluster feeding paging data to distributed transmitters usually on 439.9875 MHz with 4.5 kHz deviation.

The RSGB Emerging Technology Co-ordination Committee (ETCC) says future DAPNET POCSAG applications will also be allocated the MB7P+2 letter callsign series and will be processed as Packet Radio applications.

Application Form - https://www.rsgblicensing.org.uk/etccsecureforms/forms_central.php

MB7PBR - https://www.ukrepeater.net/my_packet.php?id=3712

DAPNET - Decentralized Amateur Paging Network (Twitter) - https://twitter.com/RWTHAmateurfunk

POCSAG - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POCSAG

Zello Network linked to the Southern Ireland Repeater Network

The online Zello network has been connected to the Southern Ireland Repeater Network.

This RF network consists of multiple 2m and 70cms repeaters which covers nearly all of the southern half of the island of Ireland.

Licenced radio amateurs on Zello can now access the Irish repeater network by contacting the group moderators. Non-licenced users on Zello will be able to listen to the repeater network but won't be able to talk.

This is one of the first RF repeater - Zello gateways and it's possible that others may soon follow.

Southern Ireland Repeater Group Zello page - https://zello.com/channels/k/e8Tb1

Southern Ireland Repeater Group website - https://sirnrepeaters.blogspot.ie/

Guide to activity levels on the Southern Ireland Repeater Network -  https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/2018/08/network-radio-connection-to-southern.html


National Frequency Coordinators Council Defunct

Back in 2013, the ARRL signed an agreement with the FCC to allow a Nebraska non-profit, NFCC coordinate the repeater frequencies in Nebraska.

This organisation is now legally defunct, meaning that the local repeater community have no way to change their collective organisation as the ARRL does not engage with coordinating activities.

The issue is highlighted because in Florida a change in the law has put repeater frequencies at risk.

Whilst the ARRL has given notice of revoking the original Memo of Understanding in 2016, the agreement is still in place.

Original Agreement - http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Regulatory/NFCC_MOU_2013_SIGNED.pdf

NFCC Defunct - https://www.nebraska.gov/sos/corp/corpsearch.cgi?acct-number=10105168

Florida Repeater Issue - http://frcreform.org/