Voodoo Contest Group in Kuwait

The Voodoo Contest Group is on the move again in 2014 for the CQWW DX CW Contest. The team has been invited to operate at the emerging Multi-Multi contest station being assembled by 9K2HN, Hamad Alnusif in the Abdali area in northern Kuwait.

They will operate using the callsign 9K2HN in the Multi-Multi category in the contest. In addition to 9K2HN, operators will include Ned/AA7A, Don/G3XTT, Fred/G4BWP, Ray/G4FON, John/G4IRN, Mike/KC7V, Dave/N4QS, Bus/N7CW, and Bob/W6RGG, with the potential for other local 9K operators.

The visiting Voodudes will arrive on November 22nd, and will operate before the contest with particular emphasis on the lower bands.

QSLs for 9K2HN are via instructions on QRZ.com.

Voodoo Contest Group - http://voodoocontestgroup.com