IRA purchase APRS and Qatar Oscar 100 equipment

The Board of Directors of ÍRA recently agreed to authorize the Fund to purchase the following equipment from Microsat in Poland:

  • Microsat WX3in1 Mini APRS Advanced Digipeater / I-gate (2 pcs.)

  • PLXDigi - APRS Digipeater (2 pcs.)

Guðmundur Sigurðsson, TF3GS, submitted a request to the company on the APRS group. He says the equipment will seal the system and increase the quality and usability of the system, including utilizing the Motorola GM-300 terminal, which recently received eight such stations. The installation includes, among other things, installation of I-gate in Akureyri and Digipeater on Þorbjörn near Grindavík.

At the same meeting, the acquisition of QO-100 transverter from PE1CMO in the Netherlands was further authorized; "A complete transverter with a 25 MHz reference oscillator for the LNB, a downlink converter from 739 to 432 MHz and an upconverter from 432 to 2400 MHz, double filtered and a 20 Watt amplifier." Ari Þórólfur Jóhannesson, TF1A, VHF manager of the company, negotiated a discount price for the company at Ham Radio show 2019 in Friedrichshafen.

The APRS equipment costs about 45 thous. krónur and the Oscar-100 equipment by 118 thous. krónur (with accessories and connectors).
The stated price includes transportation and charges in Iceland.


QO-100 (Es'hail-2) Information -