144 MHz Threat -Switzerland's Suggest Aeronautical Co-Primary

In relation to access by the Aeronautical Mobile Service to the amateur radio 144 MHz band Switzerland's Ofcom says: 'a possible so-called co-primary usage between both services could be examined'

For us radio amateurs of course this application is a real threat, because we do not see how the amateur radio service with its many powerful 2m stations for DX connections, contests or EME and the service “Aeronautical” could stand side by side on this band without it comes to operating restrictions. The USKA has therefore sent an official letter to OFCOM on 10 July 2019 with our point of view and our concerns regarding the 2m band, as well as other requests related to the WRC 19.

OFCOM's Head of Frequency Planning has also responded quickly, assuring that it is not a matter of depriving radio amateurs of primary use. However, a possible so-called "co-primary" usage between both services could be examined.

Of course, our goal is to preserve the sole exploitation rights of the 2m band, and we will do our utmost to avert such "co-primary" usage. We are therefore in close contact with the DARC and the ÖVSV.

Full USKA Report - https://tinyurl.com/SwitzerlandUSKA