EI YOTA Success

The EI0YOTA callsign has been activated a number of times since the start of December. A special thanks to eight-year-old Ryan EI8KW, eleven-year-old Siobhan, daughter of Adrian EI9HAB and Slav EI6KW and his daughter, who have all taken the time to operate the EI0YOTA callsign. Between them, they have achieved over one thousand QSOs so far.

If anyone else would like to take the time to activate the callsign this December and share the hobby with a young relative or friend, please contact the IRTS Youth Officer, Niall EI6HIB by email, ei6hib at hotmail.com Forty-three stations with the YOTA suffix are now listed on the YOTA website at events.ham-yota.com.

By working these YOTA stations during December, you can qualify for an award that’s available in four categories, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Check the website for details.