JOTA-JOTI Looking for Helpers

JOTA-JOTI takes place from the 15th - 17th of October; hundreds of Scout stations are taking part, including many Irish Scout Troops.

The IRTS are seeking volunteers to lend a hand and an hour or two over the weekend in order to facilitate the event.

If you are interested in volunteering and introducing the next generation of Scouts to Amateur Radio, email Niall, the IRTS Youth Officer at yota /at/, include your name, a phone number and your County or Town, so we can set you up with the closest participating Scout Troop.

If you can't volunteer in person, don't forget to have a listen on the Bands on 15th to the 17th of October, and get some Scout Stations in the Logbook.

More information, including a full list of participating stations can be found at

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