Revised IARU Region 3 Band Plan Released

The IARU Region 3 Band Plans have been reviewed at the triennial IARU Region 3 Conferences.

A version using a new format was adopted at the 17th IARU Region 3 Conference, Seoul, September 2018 on condition of further modifications taking into account the comments/corrections raised and approved at the conference.

The IARU Region 3 band plan committee, which was set up in Region 3 in December after the conference and chaired by Sion Chow, 9M2CQC, reviewed the outcome of the Conference and completed the revised work with the conjunction of Region 3 Chairman and directors.

Revised IARU Region 3 Band Plan -

Iceland Gain 1850-1900 MHz Access

Iceland Gain 1850-1900 MHz  Access

The Icelandic national society, IRA, reports authorization has been received to use 1850-1900 kHz in international radio amateur competitions during 2019

The use of the frequency range 1850 - 1900 kHz is for participation in international radio amateur competitions during the calendar year 2019.

The authorization covers the following 10 competitions:

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Ofcom Guidance on Operating Outside UK

Ofcom has released a revised version of their guidance document 'Advice to UK radio amateurs operating in other countries'

Download latest version (dated 8th January 2019) -