FoxTelem Version 1.07 Released

FoxTelem Version 1.07 Released

FoxTelem Version 1.07 has been released, after the success of the test version, claning up several issues from version 1.06 and including a lower decoding rate.

In addition to defects in FoxTelem 1.06 and earlier versions of 1.07, this version also introduces Doppler calculation with automatic adjustment of the decoder frequency. This is especially useful for decoding beacons and has been helpful in testing for Fox-1A / AO-85 and Fox-1Cliff / AO-95 which are both in SAFE mode. Decoding from Doppler takes a bit of configuration to get right. Have a read of the new sections in the manual or ask for help if you want to give it a try. There are pros and cons vs “Find Signal” for sure.

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GNU licensed KLog Logbook Software v.0.9.7 Released

Jaime, EA4TV, released KLog v.0.9.7, a multiplatform free ham radio logging program which is able to run in Linux, Windows and macOS.

The latest release allows the user to add, remove or edit satellites to the KLog DB allowing import or export of satellites data.

KLog supports ADIF as a default file format.

Additional features of KLog include QSO management, QSL management, a DX-Cluster client, DXCC management, ClubLog integration, WSJT-X, and DX-Marathon support. Several languages are supported including Catalan, Croatian, Danish, English, Finish, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

KLog v.0.9.7 -

State of the Hobby Survey 2019

The 2019 State of the Hobby Survey will go live 1st March 2019 and be live during the whole month of March 2019.

This survey is important for hams around the world for a few reasons, first we need data independent from regulatory and commercial bodies about the topics that impact us. Second, this survey is a benchmark to help determine what is working and what is not in the ham radio community. This can involve participation, recruitment, mentoring and licensing. It can also help identify new and emerging trends in amateur radio. Please spread the word to your clubs, on nets and to fellow hams. Any survey is only as good as it's sample size, so having as many people as possible provide their opinions is the only way to get a clear picture.

State of the Hobby Survey 2019 -