Fire Sweeps Through Nikola Tesla's Last Remaining Lab

In New York, a raging fire swept through the last remaining laboratory of Nikola Tesla, where a massive redevelopment began three years ago to create a science centre and a hub of amateur radio activity and education. Marc Alessi, the nonprofit centre’s executive director, said at a press conference on November 28th that authorities have ruled out arson and are still investigating the cause.

The historically significant laboratory building itself, set on a 15-acre site on Long Island, sustained damages of at least $3-million from the November 21st fire. A worldwide fundraising effort has begun to restore the lab, which the Serbian-born scientist used in the early 1900s. These funds are separate from the already $20-million being used for the renovation, which is still $6-million short of its goal.

Amateur radio club N2TSC will be housed in the visitors centre - a building that is separate from the devastated lab. Ed Wilson, N2XDD, the club’s president, told Newsline that the visitors centre was not damaged by the blaze, which drew the response of more than 100 volunteer firefighters from the surrounding community. Plans continue to go forward for the site’s redevelopment as an educational and community resource, but it is not clear how far back the original opening date of late 2025 will be delayed.