POTA, SOTA and JOTA; Skywarn in Knox County, TN

Amateur radio, aka ham radio, has been around for more than 100 years. While it started as a way regular citizens could experiment with Morse Code communication, it soon became wireless voice communication. With modern technologies like cellphones and the internet, it would seem there is no need for radio communication. But, ask any one of the almost 2,000 Federal Communications Commission-licensed ham radio operators in Delaware, and they will tell you it’s more than a hobby. For many, it is a part of everyday life.

October was especially busy for local ham radio operators. A group of hams from the Nanticoke Amateur Radio Club set up their equipment 7th October 2023 at Redden State Forest just south of Georgetown. The purpose of the event was to give the operators experience in setting up an operational field station completely off the grid. They spent several hours in Parks on the Air conversations with other hams, many of whom were located in a variety of parks and public lands around the globe.

Media Story - https://www.capegazette.com/article/ham-radio-operators-take-part-local-events/266365